Proverbs 5
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The Peril of Adultery
Believers will face sexual seduction.
Believers should flee sexual sin.
Believers can find sexual satisfaction.
Let the Lord lead your love life!
The first step of counsel to take in order to avoid the lure of sexual seduction is given in verses 1 and 2. This initial step includes paying attention to God’s __________ and listening to His _____________.
In verses 3-5, Solomon describes the ways of the seductress. Then in verse 8, he gives the second, very practical step of counsel to take in order to avoid the lure of seduction. What is it?
List the consequences of not listening to and not following the wise counsel of Solomon in the area of sexual seduction.
How can believers avoid sexual seduction and sin, and yet find sexual satisfaction?
Paying attention to God’s wisdom and listening to His knowledge is the first and critical step in avoiding sexual seduction. This is accomplished by consistently studying the God’s Word and spending time in prayer in order to be aware of the reality of the power of seduction and know His instructions for avoiding sexual sin.
The second step in avoiding sexual seduction is to obey Wisdom and flee from the seduction! Whether the source of seduction is a personal contact or in the form of electronic media, you must run from it or get rid of it! God knows that believers are very vulnerable in this area of temptation.
Falling into sexual sin has many serious consequences, including: the loss of strength, legal expenses, possible blackmail, heartbreak, guilt, remorse, possible disease and public disgrace (vs 9-14).
The believer can find sexual satisfaction in marital fidelity, and we see in verses 18 and 19 that God does approve of sexual satisfaction for us within these bounds.
Pray for a pure heart and strong will. Then discuss the sources of sexual seduction, real or potential, in your areas of work, travel, recreation and entertainment. Consider your findings as warnings, and discuss ways to avoid all of the sources you have identified.
Have you developed the godly discipline necessary to avoid sources of sexual temptation? Have you been willing to take drastic steps to remove sources of temptation from your home, your work place and in your travels? If not, take actions now!
“My son, pay attention to my wisdom; lend your ear to my understanding, that you may preserve discretion . . . for why should you be enraptured by an immoral woman, and be embraced in the arms of a seductress? The ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He ponders all his paths.” Proverbs 5:1, 2, 20, 21