Proverbs 29:1-13
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Wisdom in Reproof
The Proverbs are wise advice for everyday living.
You can always find some common ground!
In the Old Testament there are several notable examples of the truth written by Solomon in verse 1 - the truth that people will die in their sins because they reject the gospel repeatedly. List 3 of these examples.
The proverb in verse 5 addresses the subject of flattery. What is the difference between flattery and godly praise?
According to the proverb in verse 11, what is the characteristic that acts as the restrainer of uncontrolled emotion and speech?
Old Testament examples of people who rejected the truth of God’s Word would include the unbelievers of Noah’s day when they rejected the reproof and rebuke from the preaching of Noah, the Pharaoh at the time of Moses who continued to harden his heart against the one true God of Israel, and Hophni and Phineas, the wicked sons of Eli, who refused to listen to the many rebukes by their father. All of these unbelievers found themselves suddenly cut off without remedy.
Godly praise is that which is rightly deserved and is given as encouragement, while flattery is deceitful compliments given with the evil motive of winning favor or affection. This proverb in verse 5 indicates that the one guilty of flattering others will end up in his own trap, and will eventually reap what he has sown.
The characteristic noted in verse 11 as the restrainer of uncontrolled emotion and speech is wisdom. The wise man has acquired it and the fool despises it. Read Proverbs 1:1-7 in this connection.
Solomon has much to say to those in authority regarding righteousness and justice. Discuss specific legislation or action taken by those in governmental authority that you consider just or righteous, and those laws and actions that you see as unjust. In these cases that you have identified, discuss who it is that has been the recipient of justice or injustice.
Has prejudice or pride kept you from recognizing and respecting the common ground between you and acquaintances who “rub you the wrong way”? Both of you have been given God’s blessing of life, and acknowledging this truth will give you a greater opportunity to establish a relationship from which you can share God’s truth and love with them. Look for the common ground!
“The righteous considers the cause of the poor, but the wicked does not understand such knowledge.” Proverbs 29:7
“The poor man and the oppressor have this in common: The Lord gives light to the eyes of both.” Proverbs 29:13