Zechariah 12

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The Beginning of Zechariah’s Second Prophetic Burden



  1. In that day, Israel will be delivered from all her enemies.

  2. In that day, Israel will look on their Messiah, whom they pierced.


  1. Have you mourned the death of Christ by yourself?


  1. What was the historical context when the book of Zechariah was written? To whom was it written? Why was it written?

  2. Who was the governor at that time?

  3. The prophecy of Zechariah was encouraging in two points. What were they?

  4. Why the delay in the fulfillment of some of the prophecies in Zechariah?

  5. What is the next event on God’s timetable? When will it take place?

  6. What event will come after the next event on God’s timetable? And the next event after this?

  7. What does “in that day” refer to?


  1. The people of Israel had returned from their seventy-year captivity in Babylon. This burden of Zechariah was given to encourage them and to motivate them to finish the job of rebuilding the temple.

  2. Zerubbabel

  3. It predicted the completion of the rebuilt temple and it looked forward to the glorious future of Israel under the kingship of the Messiah.

  4. Because the Messiah was rejected by Israel when the Lord came the first time. Some of the prophecies await fulfillment until the Lord comes a second time.

  5. The Rapture of the Church. It is imminent; it could take place at any time.

  6. The Rapture of the Church will be followed by the Tribulation Period of seven years, followed by the return of the Lord to this earth to set up His earthly kingdom, which will extend for 1,000 years (called the Millennium).

  7. The end times


  1. In the end times, all nations will be gathered against Israel, whose capital is Jerusalem. In light of current events, discuss how quickly and easily this could all come about.

  2. During the Tribulation Period, there will be a great spiritual awakening among the Jewish people. (See Romans chapter 11 in this connection.) How is the groundwork for this awakening is taking place, even today?


  1. Mourning for the Messiah is on an individual basis (Zechariah 12:12-14). Salvation is always an individual matter, and no one can repent for you. Have you come to the place in your life where you realize that the Lord Jesus died for your sins personally? Have you mourned the death of Christ by yourself?


  • “In that day the Lord will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem…I will destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.” Zechariah 12:8-9

  • “In that day they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him.” Zechariah 12:10