Ruth 1:6-18

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Naomi’s Decision to Return to Israel



  1. The right decision may not be an easy choice.

  2. The right decision may involve considerable change.


  1. Is your commitment more than words?

  2. Is your commitment more than emotions?


  1. Did Naomi counsel her daughters-in-law wisely?

  2. Is the right decision an easy choice? Consider the decisions of Orpah and Ruth.

  3. There may be considerable change involved in the right decision. How did this apply to Ruth?

  4. How did Orpah show her commitment to Naomi? How did Ruth show her commitment to Naomi?

  5. How did Orpah and Ruth show their commitment by their emotions?


  1. From a human point of view, some would say it was wise counsel, for widows had no means of support and they would be going to a strange land and culture. However, others would say that from a spiritual point of view, Naomi lacked faith because they all could have trusted in God.

  2. Sometimes it is, but many times it isn’t. Orpah returned to her home and failed to receive the Lord’s blessing. Ruth chose to leave the security of her homeland, and she would have the additional burden of her aging mother-in-law. It was not an easy decision, but she followed the true God.

  3. Ruth was leaving familiar surroundings and going into a totally new situation, a different country and culture. She would have to adapt and adjust to significant changes.

  4. Orpah showed it by words by beginning the journey from Moab, but she returned to Moab and the gods of Moab. Ruth’s commitment was more than words, and she showed faith by going with Naomi.

  5. Orpah kissed Naomi and wept. Ruth clung to her.


  1. Recall some major decisions you’ve made. Were they easy? Did they involve change? Were you at peace with your decision? Did you see God’s hand at work in your life?

  2. Is your commitment more than words? Do your actions confirm it?


  1. Is your commitment more than emotions? When you are with other Christians, it is easy to get caught up in the emotion of the moment, but what about times alone with the Lord? Are you fully caught up in Him?


  • "Ruth said, 'Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following after you; for wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God.'" Ruth 1:16