Psalm 119:41-80

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The Magnificent Alphabetic Psalm, Continued

(Transcript not available - coming soon)



  1. The Word of God is perfect and sufficient.


  1. Look for friends who know the Bible.


  1. What is the main theme of Psalm 119?

  2. Give some of the synonyms (alternate words) used to describe the Word of God in this psalm.

  3. What is the theme of verses 49-56?

  4. What does the psalmist mean by a heart covered with fat (verse 70)?

  5. What is the encouragement in verse 73?


  1. The practical use of the word of God in the life of the believer

  2. Law, testimony, precepts, statutes, way, commandments, ordinances, judgments, words, and path

  3. The hope and comfort we can receive through the Word of God

  4. He is talking about a heart that is insensitive to God’s Word. There are a lot of fat-covered hearts around today!

  5. Since God made us, He can certainly give us understanding of His Word. Ask Him to help you understand!


  1. It is a tendency of Christians to see the word “salvation” and immediately think it means salvation from heaven to hell. But the word simply means “deliverance” or “rescue.” Discuss how we use this word in common usage – “I saved this leftover pizza” or “I saved money with a coupon.” Look at the word “salvation” in Psalm 119:41. Discuss how the word of God brings us “salvation” because it has all the answers to life.

  2. In Psalm 119:65-71 the psalmist proclaims that God’s discipline of him was good, because it taught him to keep the Word. He also acknowledges that the evil God allows to be directed towards him was good, because as a result he learned the ways and statues of God. Can you look back on some experiences of your life and say the same thing? Share some of these difficult times, if you are willing.


  1. How do your pick your close friends? The psalmist wanted close friends who love the Lord and know the Bible. Will you pray, as he did, that the Lord will bring these kinds of friends across his path?


  • “Let Your mercies come also to me, O LORD – Your salvation according to Your word. So shall I have an answer for him who reproaches me, for I trust in Your word.” Psalm 119:41-42

  • “I know, O LORD, that Your judgments are right, and that in faithfulness You have afflicted me.” Psalm 119:75