Philippians 2:25-30

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Epaphroditus: Another Example of a Self-Giving Christian



  1. Sickness is not necessarily the result of sin.

  2. Sickness is not necessarily an alarm for healing.


  1. You don’t have to become a martyr to get a martyr’s reward.

  2. Who are your heroes?


  1. Is sickness necessarily a result of sin? Can it be because of sin?

  2. Discuss the sickness of Epaphroditus.

  3. How were the believers to receive Epaphroditus?

  4. Do you have to become a martyr to receive a martyr’s crown?

  5. Why does Paul use the phrase, “you all,” more in this epistle than in any of the others?


  1. No, it can be for the glory of God. See John 9:3. Yes, it can be disciplinary. See 1 Corinthians 11:28-30.

  2. Epaphroditus got sick in the line of duty, giving himself to the point of risking his life.

  3. See Philippians 2:29.

  4. No. Epaphroditus will be rewarded in line with his motives and attitudes, and so will many Christians who have sacrificed their health and well-being for the sake of the gospel.

  5. Because this exhortation for unity in the Philippian church was meant for the whole church to practice.


  1. Discuss a self-giving attitude. As you look around you, do you see some believers being excellent examples of this attitude? What makes them different from others? Consider the extent of your self-giving attitude.

  2. Some Christians believe that a sick person should seek healing. Why, then, didn’t Paul have a healing service for Epaphroditus? We know from Acts 19:11-12 that God used Paul to bring healing to many. How did Paul deal with the sickness of Epaphroditus? What does this say to us today?


  1. Look around you and see the quiet Christians who are self-giving. Hold them in high esteem.


  • “Receive him…in the Lord with all gladness, and hold such men in esteem.” Philippians 2:29