Matthew 1:1-17

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The Genealogy of the Lord Jesus



  1. The genealogy of Christ proves that Jesus was the promised Messiah.

  2. The genealogy of Christ proves that God is a gracious God.


  1. Don’t dismiss the designs in Scripture.


  1. How can the genealogy of Christ to Abraham be broken down?

  2. What do we know about Matthew, the author of this Gospel?

  3. How is a genealogy different from a chronology?

  4. How can the differences between this genealogy and the genealogy in Luke 3 be explained?

  5. What was Matthew’s purpose in writing this gospel?

  6. What is the meaning of “Messiah”?


  1. a. 14 generations from Abraham to David b. 14 generations from David to the captivity of Babylon c. 14 generations from the captivity to Christ

  2. Matthew, also called Levi, was a disciple of Christ. Before he was called to be a disciple, he was a Publican, a Jewish tax collector.

  3. A genealogy does not include every link in the chronology; it skips certain ones to give others emphasis.

  4. Luke gives the lineage of Christ through Mary, showing He was a physical descendant of David. Matthew gives the lineage of Christ through Joseph, giving Him a legal right to the throne of David.

  5. To show conclusively that Jesus is the Messiah and King, who was promised in the Old Testament scriptures.

  6. Messiah means “Anointed One.” “Christ” is the Greek word for Messiah.


  1. In the time of Christ, tax collectors were looked on as traitors and thieves, because they collected taxes from their fellow Jews for the Roman government. Even though Matthew was not a popular or well-liked individual, the Lord chose him to be a disciple. He was chosen not only to be a disciple, but also to write a gospel. God sometimes calls the most unlikely people to serve Him. Can you give an example of this? How should this affect your attitude toward fellow believers that you may not like?

  2. Discuss what you know about Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. Women are rarely included in Jewish genealogies, especially if they are Gentiles or known sinners. Here we see the grace of God, in His sovereign choice to include these women in the genealogy of the Messiah. The coming of Christ was intended to bring salvation to sinners. This salvation is available to anyone. Have you considered how gracious God was to include you in His plan of salvation?


  1. Thank God today that Jesus is the Messiah He promised to send.


  • “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.” Matthew 1:1

  • “And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ.” Matthew 1:16