Mark 6:30-44

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The Miracle of the Feeding of the Five Thousand



  1. R & R with guidelines is biblical.

  2. "Let go and let God" with guidelines is biblical.


  1. Aim to include biblical R & R in your vacations.

  2. Expect your best plans to be interrupted.

  3. When you give to the Lord you end up with more than you started with.


  1. Which two miracles are recorded in all four gospels?

  2. Where did all the people come from?

  3. How was it that the people arrived before the Lord and His disciples?

  4. What do some of the critics say about this miracle?

  5. What is R & R? List the three guidelines of a biblical R & R.

  6. What does it mean to "Let go and let God?" How did the disciples do this?

  7. What happens when you give what you have to the Lord?


  1. The feeding of the 5,000 and the resurrection of the Lord.

  2. They came out of towns from the western side of the Sea of Galilee. Word spread as they watched the boat leave and as it traveled.

  3. They outran the boat.

  4. Some say that everyone brought his own lunch. The early church exaggerated it or minimized it. Liberal commentaries explain it away.

  5. Rest and Relaxation. a) it assumes that you have been working (Mark 6:31), b) it is not too long (the Lord expected the disciples to meet the needs, being neither workaholics or relaxaholics), and c) it is Christ-centered (the disciples were going away on a retreat with the Lord).

  6. Avoid doing things in your own strength, but don't just sit around waiting for God to do it all. The disciples did what they could - they got the lunch and brought it to Jesus, they organized the crowd and distributed the food, then they gathered what was left over. But they let the Lord do the miracle.

  7. Both the little boy and the disciples ended up with more, and so did the crowd. As you give money, talent and time, you will be blessed in many ways.


  1. How would you answer those who explain away or minimize the Lord's miracles?

  2. What is your reaction when plans are interrupted or changed? Are you bitter, angry, uptight or upset? Or, can you take it in stride, riding with it? Or, can you go one step further, doing as the Lord would do? He was moved with compassion, even in His tired state.


  1. Plan your vacations with biblical guidelines in mind. You can do more than just sight-see. You can share your testimony with folks along the way (waitresses, campground or motel travelers). Seasonal retreats are great for the family (skiing, for example, with Bible studies and prayer along with the skiing).


  • "Jesus said to them, 'Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." (Mark 6:31)