Leviticus 19
Believers reflect the holiness of God when parents and worship are priorities.
Believers reflect the holiness of God when they do not make or have idols.
Believers reflect the holiness of God when they obey the details of His commands and when they care for the poor.
Believers reflect the holiness of God when they are honest.
Believers reflect the holiness of God when they don’t take advantage of others.
Believers reflect the holiness of God when they preserve justice.
Believers reflect the holiness of God when they are good neighbors.
Be careful about practical jokes.
What was the setting of Leviticus 19?
What is the format of Leviticus 19?
Explain the law concerning fields and vineyards (verse 9).
Why is it strategic that the laws of caring for the poor follow the law of the Peace Offering?
What is a neighbor in Scripture?
This chapter is a speech by Moses to the covenant community. It is very similar to a covenant-renewal message because all the people are exhorted to lead a life of practical holiness as evidence that they intend to follow the Laws of the Lord.
This chapter consists of 42 laws divided into 14 subsections. This is clearly seen by the repetition of the phrase “I am the Lord” or “I am the Lord your God” 14 times in this chapter.
Land owners were to leave the corners of their fields unharvested and they were not to have their vineyards gleaned. All these harvest leftovers were for the poor people of the land. (Recall the story of Ruth and Boaz.)
The Peace Offering emphasized fellowship with the Lord. It stands to reason that if you were regularly bringing your peace offering but not caring for the poor, you were acting hypocritically.
A neighbor in Scripture is not just the person living next door to you, but anyone the Lord brings in personal contact with you.
The Israelites were called to be holy in their conduct right down to the details of everyday living. Does this concept have any application for today? See 1 Peter 1:14-16.
The responsibility of honoring your parents does not stop when you turn 18 or 21. Discuss how you should be honoring your parents at your current life stage.
Discuss the two areas in which you might be tempted to distort justice (verse 15): showing favoritism to the poor because they have greater needs, or showing favoritism to the rich and famous because they have more clout. Think of a time when you have been tempted to judge unfairly. How can you preserve justice instead?
Think of a time when you witnessed or performed a practical joke that went awry. What was the result? Be careful about practical jokes.
“And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Speak to all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say to them: “You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.”’” Leviticus 19:1-2
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.” Leviticus 19:18