Genesis 29:15-30
The School of God has a required course in how to respect the rights of others.
The School of God has a required course in how not to deceive others.
The people around you may be God’s mirror and sandpaper.
What was Laban’s plan concerning the marriage of his daughters?
Why did God allow this subterfuge?
Did Jacob pass the course on respecting the rights of others?
How was Jacob, the deceiver, deceived?
What does it mean, “The people around you may be God’s mirror and sandpaper?”
Laban substituted his older daughter, Leah, for Rachel on Jacob’s wedding night. However, it was the custom that the older daughter should be married first.
God was letting Jacob learn some things the hard way.
No. As a younger man, Jacob had manipulated his brother into selling his birthright, and when he was older he still did not respect his brother or his father when he manipulated to steal the blessing. Now, in the Bedouin culture, Jacob knew that it was wrong to marry the younger before the older sister was married.
He was deceived by Laban and the two sisters when he wed Leah without realizing it.
The people around you let you see yourself, as in a mirror, and they may be the sandpaper to smooth off your rough edges.
Jacob had a hard time passing God’s course in respecting the rights of others. Where do you stand in this course?
Jacob had a hard time passing God’s course in how not to deceive others. Where do you stand in this course? How honest are you with others?
Do you have trouble submitting to authority? (God’s authority, church authority, on the job, in the home) Remember that God’s mirrors and sandpaper are found in the people with whom you live and work. Do you have some rough edges that need sanding?
“Laban had two daughters, the elder was Leah, and the younger was Rachel.” Genesis 29:16
“Jacob loved Rachel...and served seven years for her...and yet another seven years.” Genesis 29:18, 20, 30
“Jacob said to Laban, ‘What have you done to me? Why have you deceived me?” Genesis 29:25