Genesis 28:10-22
Jacob’s Dream of the Ladder Between Heaven and Earth
God’s grace is seen in the timing of Jacob’s dream.
God’s grace is seen in the meaning of Jacob’s dream.
God’s grace is seen in the receiving of Jacob’s dream.
What is your response to the grace of God?
Does Jacob’s dream mean that he and others can climb a ladder to Heaven?
What was meant by pouring oil on the memorial?
How is God’s grace seen in the timing of Jacob’s dream?
How is God’s grace seen in the meaning of Jacob’s dream?
How is God’s grace seen in the receiving of Jacob’s dream?
Definitely not. Rather, it shows God’s grace in creating a bridge between Himself and man, made possible because of Calvary.
It was an act of consecration.
Jacob had lied, and he hadn’t said that he was sorry to his brother, his father, or God. When Jacob least deserved God’s favor, God gave it.
In spite of Jacob’s past, God was willing to have a continued relationship.
Jacob’s response was unspiritual, not sensitive to God’s presence. It was selfish, self-centered, and he bargained with God. But regardless of an immature response, there was no rebuke from God. God’s grace does not hinge on human response.
Consider the bridge between God and man, what Christ has done. God loves you and gave Christ to die for your sins. Have you accepted the gift of His Son?
God loves you as a Christian, and desires communication with you. See 1 Timothy 2:5. What does this mean to you?
Which is your response to God’s grace? “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it,” or “How awesome is this place!”
“Jacob dreamed about a ladder between heaven and earth, and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.” Genesis 28:12
“The Lord stood above it and said, ‘I am with you...I will not leave you...”Genesis 28:13-15
“Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.” Genesis 28:16
“How awesome is this place!” Genesis 28:17