Genesis 25:1-18
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Abraham’s Death, and the Genealogy of Ishmael
A full life before death is the biblical norm for the believer.
A full life after death is the biblical hope for the believer.
God is faithful to His promises.
God is faithful to His program.
Are you living in Beer Lahai Roi?
How many sons did Abraham have - only Isaac and Esau?
To whom do the Jews and Arabs trace their roots?
From this passage, how do we know that Abraham had a fulfilled and satisfied life?
From this passage, how do we know that Abraham had a full life after death?
What was included in God’s covenant with Abraham?
How did God show His faithfulness to His covenant promises?
Abraham had Isaac and Esau and six more sons.
The Jews and Arabs trace their roots back to Abraham. The Jews through Isaac, and the Arabs through Ishmael and the six other sons.
Read Genesis 25:15. He had a life that was fulfilled and satisfied.
Genesis 24:7-8 reveals that “he was gathered to his people.” This phrase is used for the death of Old Testament believers.
That he would be a father of many nations.
God continued His covenant promises by blessing Isaac, the promised son.
Abraham had a full and satisfied life. As believers, we should have a life that is fulfilled and satisfied in Jesus. See John 10:10.
As believers, we are promised a full life after death. See John 14:2-3.
Do you believe that God is as faithful in His promises to believers today as He was to Abraham and Isaac? Do you believe that God is faithful to His program today, even as in yesteryear?
Beer Lahai Roi means “well of the living one who sees me.” Are you living in Beer Lahai Roi, waiting on God, conscious of His living presence? Are you aware that God sees and cares for you? Even when circumstances are trying, have you let this truth change your whole outlook on life?
“Abraham lived one hundred and seventy-five old man full of years...he was gathered to his people.” Genesis 24:7-8
“Isaac dwelt at Beer Lahai Roi.” Genesis 25:11