Genesis 1:2

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The Earth Was Without Form and Void



  1. There was a time when the earth was formless and empty.

  2. There was never a time when the earth was not under God’s control.


  1. Remember that your life is never out of God’s care and control


  1. Who formed the earth through a process? Who was controlling the process?

  2. Those with a high view of Scripture have two theories about the first verse of the Bible. What are they?

  3. How does the creation account give evidence not only of God’s power, but of God’s very divine nature?

  4. What is the “matter-old, light-young” theory of the creation of the universe?

  5. What is the “gap” theory of the creation of the universe?

  6. Was there a time when the earth was not under God’s control?


  1. God. The Spirit of God.

  2. The verse is a summary statement of all that is to follow in the creation account, or it is part of the first day of creation week.

  3. One way God’s nature is reflected in creation is in the fact that God created a tri-universe. That is, a space-matter-time universe. As God is a trinity (one in essence, yet three persons), so is the universe.

  4. This theory states that Genesis 1:1 refers to the creation of the basic matter that God used to form this universe, but that it is not part of day one. Rather, it is billions of years in the past; Genesis 1:2 represents the millions or billions of years in time when God was slowly forming the earth; and Genesis 1:3 begins God’s creation week in the not-too-distant past.

  5. The “gap” theory, or the “ruin and reconstruction” theory, states that Genesis 1:1 describes an original perfect creation, including life; Genesis 1:2represents a ruined creation, involving many years of time; and Genesis 1:3 begins God’s re-creation or reconstruction week.

  6. Never!


  1. Review the matter-old, light-young theory. What are its shortcomings in light of Scripture?

  2. Review the gap theory. What are its shortcomings in light of Scripture?


  1. Does your life at times seem dark and out of control? Remember that your life is never out of God’s care and control. See 1 Peter 5:7.


  • “The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” Genesis 1:2