Deuteronomy 23
There are spiritual lessons to be learned from the Law.
a) Laws concerning public worship.
b) Laws concerning personal hygiene.
c) Laws concerning the treatment of slaves.
d) Laws concerning cultic connections.
e) Laws concerning charging interest.
f) Laws concerning making vows.
g) Laws concerning eating crops.
Watch out for travel temptations when you are away from home.
Explain one benefit of studying the Mosaic Law, even if many aspects of the Law are not in effect for believers today.
Why is the phrase “enter the assembly” in verses 1, 2, 3, and 8 important?
Verses 15-16 are concerning what specific type of slave?
Money earned in connection with temple prostitutes was not to be associated with Israel’s worship of the Lord. What is the spiritual lesson for us?
Verses 19-20 forbade charging interest from poor fellow citizens in need. What is the spiritual lesson for us?
These laws, which may not apply to believers today, may contain moral principles that are good for us.
It clarifies that these restrictions were in reference to public worship. The restrictions did not mean, for example, that eunuchs were put out of the covenant community of Israel or that foreigners could not become proselytes and come to know the one true God of Israel.
The slaves mentioned here would be those who fled for refuge to Israel from their cruel masters in the surrounding foreign nations.
The Lord does not want our tithes and offerings to be from money that was wrongfully earned.
We should not take advantage of one another. See Galatians 6:10.
Deuteronomy 23:15-16 addresses the treatment of slaves who have fled from cruel masters. We can draw an application from this regarding our responsibility to be compassionate and helpful to those who have been abused and mistreated. How have you done this practically? How could you improve?
Under the Law, no one was required to take a vow before the Lord. If a person voluntarily took a vow before the Lord, he or she was required to keep it. What does this say about the seriousness of how the Lord views our marriage vows, for example, that were made before Him.
Businessmen and women, military personnel, and other travelers face temptations on the road that they do not face at home. Who you really are could be described by what you allow yourself to do when no one is watching. Watch out for travel temptations when you are away from home.
“He who is emasculated by crushing or mutilation shall not enter the assembly of the Lord.” Deuteronomy 23:1
“That which has gone from your lips you shall keep and perform, for you voluntarily vowed to the Lord your God what you have promised with your mouth.” Deuteronomy 23:23