2 Kings 13

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Kings Jehoahaz & Jehoash of Israel; Elisha’s Last Miracle and Death



  1. God provides deliverance, even when we don’t deserve it.

  2. God provides victory in accordance with our commitment.


  1. Let’s leave a spiritual legacy to future generations.


  1. What is the theme of 2 Kings?

  2. How many good kings ruled over the Northern Kingdom of Israel?

  3. Who is Jeroboam, mentioned in verse 2?

  4. Are the Syrians the same people group as the Assyrians?

  5. Describe Elisha’s object lesson for Jehoash and explain its meaning.


  1. The decline of Israel and Judah

  2. None. All 19 kings of Israel were bad kings.

  3. Jeroboam was the first king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. He is the king that committed the terrible sin of setting up two golden calf idolatrous shrines. He also ordained his own line of priests that were not in the line of Aaron. He is known as “the king who made Israel sin.”

  4. No, the Syrians were from a country north of Israel. The Assyrians, of the Assyrian Empire, lived far east of Israel. No, the Syrians were from a country north of Israel. The Assyrians, of the Assyrian Empire, lived far east of Israel.

  5. Jehoash was to shoot arrows out the window, with Elisha’s hands on the king’s hands. Then Jehoash was to strike the ground with the arrows. These actions were to symbolize victory over the Syrians. But Jehoash only struck the ground three times and without much intensity. So Elisha said that because of this lack of commitment and zeal, Israel’s victory over Syria would be limited.


  1. God provides deliverance, even when we don’t deserve it. Discuss this principle in relation to the nation of Israel in this chapter. Who was the deliverer God sent (verse 5)? Recall a time when this principle has proven to be true in your own life.

  2. God provides victory in accordance with our commitment. We’re not talking about salvation, but victory in spiritual warfare. Are you experiencing defeat right now in your Christian life? Are you full of discouragement and doubts? Don’t expect victory in spiritual warfare if there is no zeal and commitment in your life.


  1. What kind of spiritual legacy do you want to leave to your family and future generations? Will there still be spiritual power at work because of your godly life of commitment to the Lord and His service?


  • “You should have struck five or six times; then you would have struck Syria till you had destroyed it! But now you will strike Syria only three times… three times Joash defeated him and recaptured the cities of Israel.” 2 Kings 13:19, 25

  • “But the LORD was gracious to them, had compassion on them, and regarded them, because of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and would not yet destroy them or cast them from His presence.” 2 Kings 13:23