1 Thessalonians 1:8-10

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Paul Commends the Thessalonian Believers



  1. The phrase, “to wait for His Son from heaven”, implies the imminent return for His church.

  2. The phrase, “who delivers us from the wrath to come”, implies the Lord's safe removal of His church.


  1. Do we evangelize or just witness?


  1. What was the ethnic make-up of the church at Thessalonica?

  2. Paul preached in the synagogue for three weeks. Is this the only preaching he did in Thessalonica?

  3. Are there still prophecies that need to be fulfilled before the Lord returns for His church?

  4. What event does Matthew 24:21-23 refer to?

  5. Do believers need to fear God’s wrath?


  1. The church was composed of both Jews and Gentiles.

  2. No, Paul stayed for perhaps three months, preaching in the market place.

  3. No. Jesus could return for His church today.

  4. God’s outpouring of wrath on this world, know as the Great Tribulation, which follows the Rapture– when the Lord returns for His church to take believers out of the world.

  5. No. Read Thessalonians 1:9-10. All wrath of God in the future is in view here– the Final Judgment and the Tribulation. If you are a believer, you have already been delivered from the judgment of sin when you trusted Christ. You have no reason to fear God’s wrath.


  1. The fact that the Lord has not yet returned for His church after 2,000 years does not detract in any way from Paul’s exhortation to wait expectantly and patiently. The Lord’s return for His church is still imminent, and nearer now than ever before. Are you waiting expectantly for the Lord’s return?

  2. In the world, there has always been tribulation, and believers throughout history have going through it. But The Tribulation Period is a time when God will pour out His wrath as never before. See Matthew 24:21-22 and Jeremiah 30:7 (Jacob’s trouble). The church will be safely removed from this. See 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. How do these truths affect you? Are you concerned for the unsaved around you? Are you secure in God's promise of deliverance?


  1. We can witness by living a good life, but to evangelize we must communicate the gospel. Do you evangelize or just witness?


  • “ From you the word of the Lord has sounded forth in every place. ” - 1 Thessalonians 1:8

  • “You turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for His Son from Heaven... who delivered us from the wrath to come. ” - 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10