1 Kings 7

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The Construction of Other Buildings in Solomon’s Royal Complex



  1. The importance of Solomon’s temple prefigures the importance of the Lord’s work.

  2. The pillars of Solomon’s temple prefigure the pillars of the Holy Spirit’s temple.

  3. The glory of Solomon’s temple prefigures the glory of Christ’s kingdom.


  1. Let’s use our skills and talents for the Lord.


  1. Describe Solomon’s royal complex.

  2. Can you name some of the buildings in the royal complex?

  3. Is the Huram of 1 Kings 7:13 the same person as the Hiram of 1 Kings 5:1?

  4. Two large pillars were made to go right at the entrance of the temple. These pillars were named Jachin and Boaz. See 1 Kings 7:21. What is the meaning of the names of these pillars?


  1. Solomon’s royal complex was comprised of a number of interconnected buildings, surrounded by a great court which included the temple.

  2. The Lord’s temple, Solomon’s house (or palace), the House of the Forest of Lebanon, the Hall of Pillars, the Hall of Judgment, a house for Pharaoh’s daughter (Solomon’s wife).

  3. No. Hiram was king of Tyre and Huram was a master craftsman.

  4. Jachin means “He will establish,” and Boaz means “in Him was strength.”


  1. The Lord’s temple, built by Solomon, was the focal point in the building complex. The importance of this temple prefigures the importance of the Lord’s work. Question: Where does the Lord’s work go on your priority list? How important, for example, is your daily Quiet Time? What impact does this time alone with the Lord have on your day-by-day activities and involvement with people and projects?

  2. The pillars, Jachin (“He will establish”) and Boaz (“in Him was strength”), testify to the fact that God had established the nation of Israel. He dwelt in their midst and He was their strength. These two pillars prefigure the pillars of the Holy Spirit’s temple today. See 1 Corinthians 3:16. Believers together as the church are the temple of the Holy Spirit. The Lord Himself, not man, has established the church and every living stone in it. Pillar #1 – the Lord Himself, not man, has established the spiritual church, and Pillar #2 – the Lord Himself, not man, is the strength of the church. Do you see this picture? The Lord has established you as part of the spiritual church and He is your strength.

  3. All of the grandeur and glory of Solomon’s temple prefigures the glory of Christ’s kingdom. In Ezekiel Chapters 40-48, we read that when the Lord returns to this earth and sets up His headquarters in Jerusalem, there will be a new temple and the glory of the Lord will return. Are you anticipating the return of Jesus Christ as King over all the earth? By the way, is He your king right now?


  1. “Huram was a bronze worker; he was filled with wisdom and understanding and skill…” (1 Kings 7:14) Who filled Hiram with wisdom and understanding and skill? Obviously, the Lord. But the Lord used Huram’s background as well. “Huram finished doing all the work that he was to do for the house of the Lord.” (1 Kings 7:40) What is the lesson here for us? The Lord has sovereignly planned and programmed your particular skills and talents and knowledge. See 1 Corinthians 4:7 and Ephesians 2:10. Your responsibility is to use these skills and talents and knowledge for the Lord. Look around you – there’s work to be done, and your abilities are needed. Use your skills and talents and knowledge for the Lord, and give Him the glory. “Huram finished doing all the work that he was to do for the house of the Lord.” Can the same be said of you?


  • “Huram was filled with wisdom and understanding and skill…So he came to King Solomon and did all his work.” 1 Kings 7:14

  • “Huram finished doing all the work that he was to do for King Solomon for the house of the Lord.” 1 Kings 7:40