1 Kings 15:1-8

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Abijam, King of Judah



  1. The overall pattern of a person’s life exposes the heart.

  2. God’s promise of a dynasty to David should not be allegorized.


  1. How many exception clauses are there in your Christian record?

  2. Don’t mar your Christian record by a moment of sinful pleasure.


  1. What happened to the united kingdom of Israel after the reigns of Kings Saul, David and Solomon?

  2. Who was Abijam (Abijah)? What was his ancestry? What was he like?

  3. What does it mean, “The overall pattern of a person’s life exposes his heart?” Recall examples from scripture.

  4. Should God’s promise of a dynasty to David be taken literally or allegorically? Explain.

  5. “David followed the Lord all the days of his life, except…” Think about and discuss this statement.


  1. The united kingdom of Israel split into two kingdoms: Israel, the northern kingdom, and Judah, the southern kingdom. A state of war existed between these two kingdoms under the reigns of Jeroboam I, Rehoboam and Abijam.

  2. Abijam was the second king of Judah, the southern kingdom. He was the son of Rehoboam (the first king to rule over the southern kingdom) and Maachah, the granddaughter of Absalom. From both his mother and father’s side he was in the house of David. He walked in the sins of his father. His heart was not right toward God.

  3. The overall pattern of a person’s life is a good indication of the set of his heart, or his heart’s attitude. David’s adultery with Bathsheba and subsequent murder of her husband Uriah were exceptions to the general pattern of David’s life (1 Kings 15:5), and he reaped what he had sown. But the set of his heart was toward God, as can be seen readily in the Psalms and in the historical records of his life. On the other hand, Abijam proclaimed the word of God to Jeroboam, but the overall pattern of his life was not pleasing to God (2 Chronicles 13:4-12). What does this mean? It means that our daily, habitual actions are indicative of the set of our hearts.

  4. It should be taken literally. God told David that he would have an unending dynasty. (1 Kings 15:4; 11:36; 2 Samuel 7:16). There will be a coming day when Christ, who is in the line of David, will reign over a kingdom on earth, literally fulfilling this prophecy.

  5. David’s overall life pattern pleased God, but there were exceptions which marred his record. See another man’s life pattern in Hebrews 11:24-25.


  1. What did you learn from the lives of Abijam and David?

  2. How important is it to you that your heart-set is right in the eyes of the Lord?


  1. Write a one-sentence overview of your life from God’s eyes. How many exceptions would follow?


  • “Abijam’s heart was not loyal to the Lord his God” 1 Kings 15:3

  • “David did what was right in the eyes of the Lord…except…” 1 Kings 15:5

  • “As a person thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7