1 Kings 11:1-13

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The Reasons for Solomon’s Downfall



  1. Disobedience to the Lord results in departure from the Lord.

  2. Disobedience to the Lord results in discipline from the Lord.


  1. Remember the downfall of Solomon.


  1. How many wives did Solomon have? How many concubines did he have?

  2. Solomon was known for his wisdom. When was he not wise concerning his wives?

  3. Solomon not only disobeyed the Lord in multiplying wives for himself, but he also disobeyed the Lord in the kind of wives he married. Explain.

  4. By His word, God had warned Solomon about taking many and foreign wives. God also told Solomon what would happen because of his disobedience. What did God say would happen?

  5. Solomon’s wisdom was one thing. His will was another. How does this apply to believers today?


  1. 700 wives. 300 concubines.

  2. He was not wise in his actions because he willfully disobeyed the Lord. God’s word had clearly and specifically said that kings were not to multiply wives for themselves. See Deuteronomy 17:17 and 1 Kings 11:3.

  3. 3. The Lord had given Solomon another clear and direct command, “You shall not intermarry with foreign women.” Read Deuteronomy 7:1-4 and 1 Kings 11:2.

  4. God said first, that these wives would turn his heart away from Him and toward other gods. Secondly, God said that He would destroy him suddenly.

  5. Believers may be gifted with wisdom and have a lot of knowledge, even about God and the Bible, but the will must be submissive to the Lord and in line with His word.


  1. Re-read this portion of scripture and note the downward steps of Solomon’s disobedience that resulted in departure from the Lord. Remember how Solomon began his reign by asking for wisdom to lead God’s people. It’s a sad thing to note the wisdom and the will of Solomon. For all his wisdom, we read, “Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord…” (1 Kings 11:6). This is a great lesson for us. Stay in the word and submit to God, lest you begin downward steps of disobedience that result in departure from the Lord. Little by little disobedience to the word of God will result in sin. Be sure that both your wisdom and your will are aligned with God’ word.

  2. The Lord was angry with Solomon for his deliberate sin, and the Lord pronounced judgment upon him and his kingdom. Solomon would suffer far-reaching consequences of his disobedience. God must discipline His people when they sin – then and today. See, for example 1 Corinthians 11:32. Reality check: Are you disobeying the Lord in some secret area of your life? Be thankful for God’s discipline, and heed it. See Hebrews 12:5-6, 11.

  3. Read Psalm 72 to see Solomon’s love and reverence for the Lord. But little by little Solomon’s disobedience in the area of his passions caused him to turn away from the Lord. It could happen to any believer. It could happen to you. Are you speaking psalms to the Lord to show your love and reverence to the Lord? Stay in this frame of reference to keep your heart pure toward the Lord and to maintain your walk before Him. Remember the downfall of Solomon.


  1. Read Psalm 72 to see Solomon’s love and reverence for the Lord. But little by little Solomon’s disobedience in the area of his passions caused him to turn away from the Lord. It could happen to any believer. It could happen to you. Are you speaking psalms to the Lord to show your love and reverence to the Lord? Stay in this frame of reference to keep your heart pure toward the Lord and to maintain your walk before Him. Remember the downfall of Solomon.


  • “Solomon’s wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not loyal to the Lord his God…he did not keep what the Lord had commanded…” 1 Kings 11:4, 10

  • “Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord” 1 Kings 11:6

  • “The Lord became angry with Solomon, because his heart had turned from the Lord God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice…and God said, ‘I will surely tear the kingdom away from you…” 1 Kings 11:9, 11