Principle 20

Distinguish Between the Rapture and the Return

Although there are many novels and movies about the rapture, Christians still have differing views about the future and second coming of Christ. The different systems of end time events will affect our interpretation of these Scriptures.

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Principle 21

Submit to the Hierarchy of Scripture

You may think it’s strange that some books of the Bible can be considered “subordinate” to other books of Scripture. Can some books actually be “more important” than others? Although it sounds odd, there is a hierarchy within Scripture!

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Principle 22

Know the Different Types of Literature

If you walk into a bookstore, you’ll find thousands of selections, all organized by their types of literature. In the same way, there are many different types of literature in the Bible, and these different classifications affect our interpretation.

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HermeneuticsRon Reid
Principle 23

Understand the Use of Language

We all learned about different figures of speech in school: similes, metaphors, idioms… etc. These, and other figures of speech, are also used in the Bible in both literal and figurative language. Recognizing the use of language helps us understand God’s message.

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Principle 24

Highlight the Theme of Salvation

Although you can find an amazing amount of historical and archeological information in the Bible, that’s not the primary purpose of Scripture. The Bible was written to tell us about God and His wonderful plan of salvation for all people. It’s important to highlight this theme of salvation when we interpret Scripture.

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Principle 25

Realize That Not All Truth Has Been Revealed

The goal of hermeneutics isn’t to speculate on what God has not revealed, but rather to interpret what He has revealed. God hasn’t revealed everything to us, so we shouldn’t go beyond Scripture trying to figure out something that God hasn’t revealed.

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Principle 26

The Finite Cannot Completely Fathom the Infinite

You can teach a pet to do tricks, but there will always be a limit to what it can understand. In the same way, God has revealed some things that go beyond a human’s finite comprehension. 

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Principle 27

Beware of Preferences and Preconceptions

We usually gravitate to the teachings of our favorite author or speaker when forming our own spiritual opinions. It’s also hard to break away from the traditions of the church where we were raised. While these background sources may be helpful in our studies, we shouldn’t let our preconceptions affect our interpretations.

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Principle 28

Watch Out for Preoccupations and Pet Peeves

People who are passionate about certain issues or topics will tend to view certain Scriptures in a different way than others. They may even “stretch” Bible verses beyond what is proper to advance their viewpoint. For good hermeneutics, we must be careful never to “bend” our interpretation of the Bible to fit our own agenda.

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Principle 29

Respect the Insight of Other Christians

The New Testament teaches that all believers make up the body of Christ, and God has given every believer a spiritual gift to use to build up the rest of the body. All Christians need the insight and experience of other believers to help them interpret Scripture.

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Principle 30

Consider the Historical Interpretations of the Texts

The majority of believers throughout history have held to certain interpretations. This doesn’t mean that all historical interpretations are correct, but understanding and respecting these viewpoints will help to guard us from inventing new and novel interpretations.

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