These first ten words of the Bible are priceless in both content and importance. They contain the true doctrine of creation, but they’re also a fortress against all kinds of error and heresy.
Read MoreDo our relationships with fellow believers on earth model our future eternity in Heaven together?
Read MoreAll Christians experience spiritual highs and lows in life - even Elijah!
Read MoreAt the beginning of Luke 5, Peter was washing his nets on the beach. Eleven verses later, Peter had dropped everything to follow the Lord! The steps of commitment that we see in Peter are steps that growing Christians must take as well.
Read MoreHave you ever faced a significant task that seemed almost impossible to overcome? The steps that Nehemiah took in overcoming his challenges will encourage and guide us as we encounter our own difficulties.
Read MoreHave you experienced persecution and/or hatred at your job or campus because of your faith? Peter says, “Don’t be surprised! It should be expected!” Why does God allow this?
Read More2 Corinthians shows the contrast between the message and the messenger of the gospel. The amazing news of Jesus Christ is carried by us… ordinary, frail, and fragile messengers.
Read MoreThe Temple Mount in Jerusalem is considered to be one of the most sacred sites in the world, and biblical prophecy tells us it will be the location of two future Temples.
Read MoreIt has the makings of a great meme, but is the “open door” of Revelation 3:8 a personal guarantee of a better job or successful personal life?
Read MoreIn Joshua 9 the Israeli army made a terrible mistake. The deceptive tactics involved illustrate some of the strategies that Satan will use against believers.
Read MoreDo you ever feel like your dedication and service to God goes largely unnoticed? Here’s a quick look at one of the “lesser-known” disciples of Jesus.
Read MoreAre there better or more proper ways to worship the Lord?
Read MoreDo you have control of the areas in your life where you struggle the most?
Read MoreIf we limit our understanding of worship to moments of tech-driven corporate singing, we experience only a small portion of what God has intended for us.
Read MoreA closer look at historical context of a very confusing portion of Scripture.
Read MoreAre we content in ALL circumstances of our lives?
Read MoreChristians should avoid pulling Scripture out of context.
Read MoreWhat excuses do we use for not evangelizing? How can we creatively share the good news of Jesus with others?
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