Devo Index

Title Topic
A Basket of Summer Fruit Hypocrisy in religious observance
A Clean Sweep All evil will be swept away in end times
A Continuing Covenant The Davidic Covenant: 2 Samuel 7
A Fool’s View of Things People who deny the existence of God
A Good Thing Gone Bad The odd story of the bronze serpent in the wilderness
A New Covenant, but Not a New Israel The Church is not “The New Israel”
A Peaceful and Quiet Life Prayer during hard times
A Psalm for all Seasons A Messianic psalm of Suffering Savior: Psalm 22
A Question of Priorities Priorities in the Christian life
A Tale of Two Prophets Responsibility of older believers: 1 Kings 13
Acceptable Worship Worshiping God as He has directed
Allow for the Fuller Meaning of Scripture A principle of Biblical interpretation
Am I Really Saved? Eternal Security
An American Idol Generation of Worship Preparing our hearts for true worship
Ascension Seminar Discussion of Jesus’ ascension: Acts 1
Avoiding Blind Spots Taking our eyes off the Lord causes moral blind spots: Luke 11:34


Babylon and the Beast End Times prophecy from Revelation 14
Babies, Beware! Warning young believers: don’t love the world: 1 John 2
Bag With Holes Investing money with eternal values in view
Bartholo-who? Christians don’t always get recognition for their service
Befriended then Betrayed Meditation from Psalm 55
Believing is Seeing Trust in Jesus to see what God is like
Betrayed Jesus’ reaction to his betrayal by Judas
Besieged but Not Defeated Satan’s tactics in spiritual warfare
Beyond all These Love holds all attributes of Christian character together
Beyond the Brazen Altar The Old Testament tabernacle as a divine pattern for worship
Biblical Interpretation is Not a Personal Choice Avoiding bias in interpreting the Bible
Big Flood Evidence for the Genesis Flood - it’s not a myth!
Binding Satan Key to victory is putting on armor of God: Ephesians 6
BMOC Biblical progression of Basis, Means, Object, Content of Salvation
Born Free Our freedom in Christ from Colossian 3
Broken Before Blessed God breaks our pride and self-sufficiency
Broken Cisterns Turning from God to drink from empty, polluted cisterns
A Broken Marriage is a Broken Picture Discussion of biblical stance on divorce
Building Towers The tower of Babel - towers we are building in our lives
But You're Already so Good! Stay active in watching, worshiping and working


Cakes, Doves and Bows Unstable, senseless, deceitful: Hosea 7
Call of Duty We were created to do good works in service to God
Capital Punishment and Biblical Covenants Biblical basis for capital punishment is God’s covenant with Noah: Genesis 9:6
Case Study in Complaining Complaining displeases God: Numbers 11
Catch the Foxes Little problems can ruin a relationship
Children Should Be Seen and Heard Samuel; God uses children
Choices Challenge to choose biblical truth, not popular opinions
Clarity or Casuistry? Twisting/stretching interpretation of Scripture
Coincidence – or Providence? Sovereignty of God over everything
Comfort in the Midst of Guilt and Grief God comforts our guilt and our grief
Comfortable – or Comforted? Comforted by God, to comfort others
Controlled Circumstances Sovereignty of God over all circumstances 
Cornerstone or Crushing Stone Choose Jesus as your cornerstone
Critical Mass Patience and kindness in imperfect church fellowships
Crossing the Jordan Entering the “Land of spiritual battles and blessings”
Current Day Christians and Old Testament Orders Modern day application of Old Testament laws


Dare to be a Daniel Courage to stand firm for the faith
David’s Mighty Men Lessons from David’s courageous fighters
Dealing with Deception Consequences of falling for Satan’s deception
Dealing with Nabals God uses Nabals in our lives to build godly character
December Discord Disagreement over petty personal issues
Defeated Christians Prayer for God’s guidance essential in making decisions
Defending the Faith in an Irreverent Internet Age Dealing with hostile unbelievers in online scenarios
Dependence on the Cloud God’s guidance for our lives
Discipline is Demanded Living the Christian life requires self-discipline
Denying our Rights Willing to give up our rights for the sake of others
Does Skill Matter to God? Use gifted and skilled people for the Lord’s work
Entrepreneurs for Christ Creative evangelism
Escape Route God’s method for avoiding temptations
Evolution and God Biblical stance against the theory of evolution
Excuses, Excuses Making excuses for bad attitudes and actions
Exercise in Ethics Lying and deceiving are always wrong
Expect to be Persecuted Christians should expect opposition
Expected but Not Forced God wants us to produce fruit but won’t force us


Failure is Not Final God can pick up the pieces of a broken life
Faith, Not Fear Faithful believers don’t need to worry about the future
Faith and Fleeces A strong faith doesn’t need “signs” like fleeces
Faith that Works Relationship between faith and works
Family Devotions Help Future Decisions Biblical instruction is vital for our children
Feeling Unimportant? "Unknown" Christians who played vital roles in Paul's ministry
Fig Trees and Mountains Jesus’ Fig Tree parable: Matthew 21
Filled with the Spirit Indwelling, baptism, gifts and filling of the Spirit
Finding Treasure in a Black Friday Society Maintaining a Godly perspective during the shopping season
#First World Problems Contentment in all cirucmstances
Five Fantastic Facts God’s amazing generosity to us from Ephesians
Five Kings in a Cave Dealing effectively with root sins in our lives
Five Metaphors Characteristics of false teachers and apostates: Jude
Focal Points of Failure Critical areas of spiritual vulnerability
Foiled Again! God foils Satan’s historic schemes throughout Bible history
For and Against Explaining Jesus’ statements in Luke 9:50 & Luke 11:23
From Carmel to a Cave Spiritual highs and lows in the life of Elijah
From Glory to Images Sinful exchange of God’s glory for manmade images
From Rags to Riches The beautiful story of Ruth
From Then to Now Value of historical background for good interpretation
Four Enduring messages God’s response to questions: Zechariah 7-8
Fully Functional All creation was fully functional from the hand of God


Gap Persons Stand in the gap to defend breached walls: Ezekiel 22
Get the Big Picture Gaining God’s perspective
Giants versus God Bring your intimidating problems to God
Give ‘em a Brake Respect and care for our church leaders
The G.O.A.T. Jesus’ greatness supersedes all ancient world leaders
Go for the Goal The goal of getting to know the Lord more and more
God in the Midst of Crisis God may allow crisis in our lives as with Elijah
Going Through the Motions Hypocrisy in religious observance
Gourds & Grain Miracles of Elisha: 2 Kings 4
Have a Good Day! God uses supernatural events: Joshua 10
Heaven is a Wonderful Place Heaven is wonderful because Jesus is there!
Heaven on Earth Relating to other believers in view of Christ’s return
He’s Alive! Evidences for the resurrection of Jesus Christ
Holiday Delivery Creativity in evangelization


If Christ Had Not Risen Without the resurrection, our faith would be empty
Image Isn’t Everything Self-seeking attitudes in the age of social media
Imminent is Not the Same as Immediate Jesus could come today!
Immutability Demands Impeccability Jesus, the Son of God, could not sin
In the Beginning Biblical stance on Genesis 1
Infiltration Victory in areas in which we struggle
Intent of the Author Determine the author’s reason for writing a book
Investment in Wind Feeding on, sowing to, and chasing empty pursuits
Is Christianity the Right Religion? Discussion of ways the Bible is unique
Is Euthanasia a Euphemism? Discussion of euthanasia
Isolation from the Infected Compassion for the sick and needy
Israel is Israel The Church is not “The New Israel”
Is This Church? The importance of church attendance
It’s Not a Spiritual Shutdown The example of Jesus in His final week of earthly ministry
Jesus: More Than Just a Good Man The logical determination that Jesus is Lord
Just Joseph The faithful man who seems to be a bystander at Jesus’ birth


Keep Digging! Distractions keep us from digging & drinking water of Word
Kidnapped Through Philosophy Christian worldview taught in the Bible
Ladies and Gentlemen, We Have a Situation… Becoming overly comfortable with God’s grace
Living Sacrifice Discussion of commitment from Romans 12:1-2
Losing Faith in the Elected God is in control of world leadership
Majestic and Marvelous God’s amazing creation: Psalm 8
Mephibosheth & Me God’s great grace and mercy for us: 2 Samuel 9
Mind Control Making every thought obedient to Christ
Models for the faithful Christian Soldier, farmer, athlete: 2 Timothy 2
More than a Christmas Story Jesus’ birth is much more than a story
More Than Iconoclasts Practices and traditions can become idolatrous
More Than a Pardon Extended blessings of our salvation
More Than Just a Holiday Decoration Focusing on Jesus in a season of commercialization
More Than Yellow Ribbons Extended blessings of our salvation
Minimizing Misunderstanding Avoiding dissension and division in churches


Neither Hot Nor Cold Lessons from a confusing passage about the ancient city of Laodicea
New Age Manipulation False teaching exposed
No Claim to Fame All our gifts and abilities are given to us by God
No One Means NO ONE Don’t try to set dates for the return of Jesus!
No Strings Attached Living a life of sacrifice; obeying like Abraham
Not a Blind Faith Evidence for Creation
Not A Blind Faith, Part 2: The Reliability of Scripture Evidence for the reliability of Scripture
Not a Hallmark Moment Pulling Scripture out of context
Not Famous - but Faithful! Heroes of the faith
Obstacles and Opposition Overcoming opposition to evangelism
One Link in the Chain Every link in evangelism chain is important
One on One Relationship; “where’s” and “why’s” of worship: John 4
Only Five Loaves and Two Fish Jesus expands our small offering
Opinions of Obadiah Divided opinions of Obadiah, King Ahab’s steward
Our Disappointments are God’s Apppointments The sovereignty of God
Overcome Evil With Good Responding to evil as Jesus did
Overlooking the Miraculous Importance of miracles


Peace in the Place of Pigs Demonic activity: Mark 5
Planned and Prayed for, but Prevented God can change our plans
Playing Games With God Honor God; He cannot be deceived
Please Zap Them, Lord! Discussion of imprecatory Psalms
Plowshares and Pruning Hooks Prophecies of future warfare and peace
Precept or Principle? A command to obey or a principle to follow?
Principles for Christian Giving Lessons from 2 Corinthians 8
Proclamation of Liberty Repentance and faith necessary for liberty: Luke 4
Progress Now, Perfection Later Sinful nature with us until Heaven
Proverbs are Proverbs Properly interpreting the Book of Proverbs
R&R Need for revival and renewal of God’s people: Nehemiah 8
Received Back by Resurrection Abraham offering Isaac
Reception in Galilee Miracle of water changed to wine
Remembering All the Way Important to thankfully remember blessings
Requisites for Revival Necessary conditions for spiritual revival
Responsibilities Towards Outsiders Conduct, sensitivity, wisdom
Return of a Rebel Parable of the “Lost Son” in Luke 15
Rewards for Christian Giving Lessons from 2 Corinthians 9
Running From Problems Don’t run; with God’s help, you can work problems out
Safe and Secure Eternal security of the believer
Sensitivity Training for Counseling Jesus counsels Martha and Mary
September Salt Being effective for the Lord on campus
Seven Thousand Knees and Mouths Those who didn’t bow down to idols
Shining Lights You are the light of the world: Matthew 5
Smart Money Investing with eternal values in mind
Social Media - Are We Changing Our Standards? Self-evaluation of our online habits
Song and Sacrifice Revival in Hezekiah’s Day: 2 Chronicles 29-31
Spiritual Blessings Discussion of blessings in Ephesians 1
Spiritually Irresponsible The poor decisions of Jacob & Esau
Strong But Weak Natural gifts misused
Summer’s First Fruits First fruits are promise of the harvest to come
Supply and Sacrifice God will supply needs of Christians who sacrifice


Tested by the Word The faithful life of Joseph
The Answer is the Argument Complementary view of women in church
The Bad News and the Good News Judgment on unbelieving towns
The BEMA for Believers The “Judgment Seat” of Christ
The Clean and the Unclean Expanded understanding of God’s holy character
The Cost of Disobedience Sin always has consequences
The Family Photo Album Can you find your likeness in the family of God?
The Finished Work of Christ Propitiation, redemption, reconciliation
The Future is Not in Jeopardy Trusting God’s plan for your life
The Goal of Love From a pure heart, a clear conscience, a sincere faith
The Great Physician Healing a disabled man was a “sign miracle” in John 5
The Hardest Thing to Give Away Forgiveness:  what it is, and what it isn't
The Hierarchy of Scripture Interpreting Scripture by relevance of books
The Last Thing My Dad Ever Said to Me Caring for the elderly and our aging parents
The Last Word The Bible has the final word
The Legacy of Leprosy Leaving a legacy of sinful behavior
The Model Servant Four servant perspectives from Isaiah 42:1-4
The Miracle Book The Bible is miraculous
The One and Only Son “Only begotten Son” explained
The Open Door Finding doors God is opening for evangelism
The Perfect Pre-Teen The young Jesus, as God, was a perfect child
The Power of Positive Speaking Biblical friendly persuasion
The Priority of Purpose Main purpose for writing a book of Scripture
The Right Path for Your Life The Lord guides our ways and decisions
The Road to Failure Bad decisions lead to failure in Christian life
The Rise and Fall of Pride Pride leads to destruction
The School of God Builds character; gives wisdom and understanding
The Seven C’s of Decision-Making Biblical pointers for making good decisions
The Story of Judah and Tamar This story magnifies the grace of God
The Subtle Sin of Syncretism Fusion of biblical truth and unbiblical teaching and practice
The Ultimate Revelation Revelation of the Son of God, the Word
The Walls of Jericho God conquers obstacles to spiritual progress
The Wish Book The Lord is pleased when we seek wisdom
The “World” Series The evil world system extends into all areas of life
Three Blind Kings Blind to heritage; role; history: 2 Chronicles 21,26,33
Three Puzzling Parables About the kingdom of heaven: Matthew 13 & 25
Three Reassuring Signs Signs associated with the Day of the Lord
Thy Kingdom Come Prayer for God’s peace and goodness to prevail on earth
To Nineveh: From Nahum Prophecy of God’s judgment on Assyria
Total Commitment Jesus Christ is Lord in every area of our lives
Tough Choices in a Nuclear Age Confronting the issues of war
Tragic Events Why doesn’t God prevent tragedies from happening?
Treasure in Jars of Clay We are clay vessels that carry the light of Jesus
True Christmas Spirit Keeping Christ in the center of Christmas
Trust and Obey Key to joy and blessing is trusting and obeying God
Trust Not Terror Bring anxious thoughts and fears to the Lord: Psalm 91
Turning the Other Cheek Proper application of Matthew 5:38-42
Two Eagles and Three Kings Credibility gaps between words and behavior
Two Future Temples Tribulation Temple and Millennial Temple
Two Sides of the Same Coin Lessons for Christians who want to be rich, and for those who are rich


Unannounced Tests Be prepared for unexpected trials
Unusual Covenants God’s unconditional covenant with Abraham
Up In Smoke Old Testament Offerings picture the Perfect Sacrifice
Up to Jerusalem Bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem
Upon This Rock Jesus’ doctrinal statement on the Church: Matthew 16
Via Dolorosa Self-denial & sacrifice is the path to greatest joy and reward
Vignettes from a Vineyard Lessons from the life of Ahab
Visions of Victory All evil will be eliminated: Zechariah 5
Washing Feet Humbly and lovingly serving one another
Water and War Water from rock & war against sinful nature: Exodus 17
We Are One in the Spirit How to preserve the unity of the Spirit
What Should I Watch? Making wise and godly choices in the area of entertainment
What’s it All About? The Word became flesh
When Bad Things Happen God is in control of all situations
When Prayer Feels Difficult Overcoming intimidation in our prayer lives
When the Bubble Bursts Handing severe disappointment: Psalm 42
When Things Don't Go Our Way Why does God so many trials in our lives?
Why Go To Church? The importance of church attendance
Why Me Lord? Theodicy: the purpose of suffering in the believer’s life
Wisdom From Above Wisdom from God available when we ask in faith
Without a Doubt Evidence for the resurrection of Christ
Without Excuse Evidence of God is clear in His creation: Romans 1:20
Work it Out! Meaning of “working out salvation”: Philippians 2:12
Worship Beyond the Music Worship is not just singing in church -- it's a lifestyle
Worship is a Way of Life Worship may offered by how we live our lives
Worthless Wood God is looking for fruit in our lives: Ezekiel 15; John 15
Wrestling, Waiting, Watching, Worshiping Habakkuk reacts to God’s plan
Your Way is Not the Only Way Be humble, quick to listen, slow to anger
Zeal Without Knowledge Peter’s reaction at Mount of Transfiguration