All Christians should have the ability to defend and confirm the message of the Bible. Christian Evidences is based on Dr. Dave’s original lectures, and it will guide you through logical, scientific, and archaeological evidence for the reliability of the Bible, the existence of God, Creation, the Flood and much more.
Why study Christian Evidences? So we can show that Christianity is reasonable, logical, and credible. Some religions or faiths are based entirely on the teachings of their founders. However, Christianity is based on historical fact. Christianity stands or falls based on the truth of the historical events that are recorded in the Bible, such as the life, miracles, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Can we really trust the Bible? Is the Bible the true and reliable Word of God? Or is it a mixture of stories, fables, legends, and half truths? Our faith and our eternal destiny depend on the truthfulness of the Bible, so we need to be able to present good evidence that the Bible is authentic, accurate, trustworthy, and unchanged.
Archaeology (the study of ancient peoples and their cultures) provides a tremendous amount of evidence to support the biblical record. In fact, archaeology has never uncovered anything which contradicts the Bible! Here are over 30 very real archaeological examples — just a fraction of the many others available.
Prophecy is the prediction of future events. Fulfilled prophecy is a very powerful evidence for the reliability of the Bible. Fulfilled biblical prophecies are events that were foretold in the Bible, that have already taken place in history. If we can we show that the prophecies in the ancient biblical manuscripts were written before the predicted events took place—and that the prophecies came true just as predicted—we have strong evidence for the accuracy of the Bible.
Many people these days doubt or deny that there is a God. The existence of God remains a basic, fundamental question, and the answer to this question is of utmost importance. According to the Bible, God has given mankind sufficient evidence of Himself. In fact, Romans 1:20 states that the evidence for the existence of God in what He has made is so overwhelming and clear that individuals have no excuse for not believing in God.
Will critics of the Bible challenge our logic and evidences? Of course they will. Here are some of the typical questions or objections that people may raise about the existence of God, using the arguments for the existence of God.
Many people, even some Christians, are embarrassed or ashamed of miracles because they can appear to be exaggerations or fabrications. They downplay or explain them some other way. The fact is, if the miracles in the Bible aren’t true, Christianity is in big trouble! We’re left with an unreliable Bible that’s filled with legends and exaggerations. And remember, the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is essential to the Christian faith!
No one can logically say that Jesus was “just a good man who lived in history.” Jesus claimed to be God. So either Jesus is who He claimed to be, or He was a liar. If He is not God, then He deliberately lied and deceived many people… or even deceived Himself! In fact, if Jesus is not God, He’s still deceiving millions of people who are staking their eternal destiny on Him.
The Christian faith stands or falls on the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Is there evidence that Jesus Christ really rose from the dead? Yes!
Is the universe eternal? Did it come about from nothing? Or was it designed and created by a Designer/Creator? It actually is more logical to believe in a Creator than anything else, and there’s plenty of evidence to back this up.
How far back in Earth’s history was Creation Week? Secular scientists suggest that the “Big Bang” occurred about 15-20 billion years ago, but the Bible indicates the universe is much younger. Why does the age of the earth matter? It matters because, from a straight-forward reading of the Bible, we would conclude that Earth and the universe are not billions of years old!
Is it possible that God brought all the different kinds of plants, animals and even human beings into existence through the process of evolution? Can a Christian believe in God and evolution at the same time? Some Christians honestly wonder about the method God used to introduce the great variety of life forms that we see in existence today.
In Genesis 6-9, the Bible teaches that there was a great, worldwide, catastrophic Flood. Critics call this a legend, but the amount of evidence for the Flood is staggering and very difficult to refute.