Passage Title
Joshua 1:1-9 ‎The Lord's Command to Go in and Possess the Land of Canaan
Joshua 1:10-18 The Israelites Prepare to Cross the Jordan River
Joshua 2:1-7 Rahab Protects the Spies Sent to Jericho
Joshua 2:8-24 The Spies Make a Promise to Rahab
Joshua 3 ‎Israel Crosses the Jordan and Enters the Promised Land
Joshua 4 Monuments Are Built to Commemorate the Crossing of the Jordan River
Joshua 5:1-9 The Rite of Circumcision
Joshua 5:10-15 The Celebration of the Passover, and the Manna Stops
Joshua 6:1-20 ‎The Walls of Jericho Fall
Joshua 6:21-27 ‎Rahab is Rescued and Jericho is Burned
Joshua 7:1-12 ‎Israel is Defeated at Ai
Joshua 7:13-26 Achan's Sin and Judgment
Joshua 8:1-29 Israel’s Victory Over Ai
Joshua 8:30-35 The Covenant is Renewed at Shechem
Joshua 9:1-15 ‎The Deception of the Gibeonites
Joshua 9:16-27 ‎The Consequences of the Gibeonite Deception
Joshua 10:1-15 ‎A Great Miracle:  The Day the Sun Stood Still
Joshua 10:16-27 ‎A Coalition of Five Kings is Defeated
Joshua 10:28-43 ‎The Conquest of Canaan:  Southern Campaign Completed
Joshua 11 The Northern Campaign and a Summary of the Seven Year Conquest
Joshua 12 A Summary the Kings Conquered by Israel on Both Sides of the Jordan
Joshua 13 ‎The Division of the Land on the East Side of the Jordan
Joshua 14 ‎Caleb Claims His Special Portion of the Land
Joshua 15 The Boundaries for the Tribal Area of Judah
Joshua 16-17 The Inheritance of Ephraim and Half the Tribe of Manasseh
Joshua 18 Setting Up the Tabernacle at Shiloh and the Boundaries for Benjamin
Joshua 19 ‎Boundaries for the Remaining Tribes of Israel
Joshua 20 ‎The Cities of Refuge
Joshua 21 ‎The Cities Given to the Levites
Joshua 22:1-20 The Controversial Altar Built Near the Jordan River
Joshua 22:21-34 The Two and One-half Tribes Explain the Purpose of the Altar
Joshua 23 ‎Joshua's Farewell Address to the Israelite Leaders
Joshua 24:1-13 ‎Joshua's Farewell Address, Part One
Joshua 24:14-24 Joshua's Farewell Address, Part Two
Joshua 24:25-33 The Death and Burial of Joseph, Joshua, and Eleazar the Priest