Back to the Future

Back to the Future


It’s one of the best moments of the year.   No, I’m not talking about Christmas morning or Super Bowl Sunday.   It happened just over a week ago – that moment we go BACK IN TIME; when we get to turn the clocks back an hour.   It’s like magic.   It’s like owning your own DeLorean with a mini flux capacitor.   It’s the ultimate snooze button… and leaves us wondering, why can’t we do this every Saturday night?

It’s easy to dream up a million reasons why having full control over time would be simply awesome. Running late for work?  Just click back 15-20 minutes.  Can’t wait for your favorite TV show to start? Just twirl ahead a couple hours or so!

We imagine this trivial time control would be a fantastic addition to our lifestyle, but truthfully, it’s really all about our desire for instant gratification, right?   We want quick, convenient solutions for everything.  In fact, sometimes we even get upset or anxious when God doesn’t provide us with time-machine type results to our prayers.   Didn’t the “Welcome to Christianity kit" come complete with a speed-control knob for God’s will?

Mary and Martha certainly felt this way in John 11.   These two sisters longed to turn the clock back so Jesus could come heal their brother, Lazarus, before it was too late.   They wished Jesus had changed His plans to fit their particular needs.  “Lord, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died…” (John 11:21; 32)

Mary and Martha learned a dramatic lesson that day: God is not bound by time or circumstances. After Jesus raised Lazarus back to life, they understood that knowing God and seeking His Will had nothing to do with instant results or their perception of what would be best.   Even in the most dire circumstance, God still had a plan.

We’ll never be able to control time, but we believe in a God who dwells outside of time.   We may never understand when and why God chooses to work, but we can peacefully and faithfully proclaim, “I am trusting You… You are my God!   My times are in Your hands…” (Psalm 31:14-15).

- Ron Reid

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