Practical and dependable resources for studying the Bible.


Talks for Growing Christians

Talks for Growing Christians are 15-minute audio programs that teach through the Bible, chapter by chapter. 1,720 Talks are available with transcripts and study guide material. 

Devos for Growing Christians

Devotions for Growing Christians are 50 years of in-depth studies of many topics and Scriptures written by Dr. Dave and Ron Reid.

Courses for Growing Christians

Courses for Growing Christians are Dr Reid’s college-level lectures, complete with audio and study guides.


MUSIC for Growing Christians

Music for Growing Christians is popular contemporary worship music performed by the worship leaders at Groton Bible Chapel. All songs are recorded and mixed by Ron Reid.  

BLOG Posts for Growing Christians

The Growing Christians Devotional blog contains short, timely posts by Ron Reid.

MINI-VERSES for Growing Christians

Essentially 12 words or less, this memory program with verses condensed to core truths — a powerful bit of Scripture that’s also easy to remember. Over 100 verses in 20 different categories will quickly build up your foundation of familiar Scriptures.